Mark your calendar for 6:30 pm on 4/26/17 in Manchester 016 and plan to attend the 5th Annual CS Quivia Challenge! What is Quivia you ask? Its Quiz Bowl and Trivia combined! And what is the 5th Annual CS Quivia Challenge? A chance to win prizes, enjoy food, have fun and just chill out! Each winning team member will receive a prize!
Each of the faculty have provided questions that come straight from ALL the classes taught this year. This means we will have questions from ALL LEVELS of CS, including the 111 classes! We also insert some basic CS trivia such as “who invented the World Wide Web”? Lastly we insert trivia about the faculty such as “which CS prof has a Masters degree in French”? (have you read your profs bio page lately?)
How does it work? There are 3 rounds of approximately 10 questions each. Points are awarded on the degree of difficulty of each question. The team with the most total points at the end is the winner. (In the event of a tie, we have a tie-breaker round.) Remember, we will have plenty of questions that 111 & 112 students will be able to answer. Faculty will be on hand to judge the answers.
Teams are made up of 3 players. We suggest the following make-up of the teams.
- either a freshman/sophomore
- either a junior/senior
- grad student
A team may be made up of 2 of the same class undergrads, but NOT 3 of the same class undergrads. A team may only have 1, that’s ONE graduate student. You may form your own team, just email me and let me know who is on your team and their year. Or, email me that you want to play and I will put you on a team. Again, there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place. There will be drawings throughout the night and SWAG just for showing up!
When/Where? 6:30 pm on 4/26/17 in Manchester 016