Examples of Curricular Innovations in Engineering

Computer Science Presentation

Olga Pierrakos
Founding Chair and Professor
Department of Engineering
Wake Forest University

Examples of Curricular Innovations in Engineering:
Bridging Theory and Adaptive Pedagogy to Drive Learning and Inclusion

National conversations around the quality of undergraduate education describe a lack of student engagement in the classroom, non-inclusive environments to support a diverse set of learners, criticism on not focusing enough on problem solving and other 21st century skills to prepare students for the real world, poor teaching quality, outdated curricula that are not aligned with workforce needs, etc. In this talk, a variety of curricular innovations will be presented to demonstrate how learning and other psychological theories (such as motivation, identity, cognitive) were used to develop adaptive pedagogies to drive deep learning and create supportive and inclusive environments for students.  Pedagogies like problem-based learning, mastery-based learning, effort-contingent learning, flipped classrooms, and inter-teaching will be presented in showcasing course-level and curriculum-level impact. Supporting evidence on students’ learning gains will also be showcased.  Come for an engaging exchange of knowledge and ideas among attendees and the presenter.

Monday, January 29, 2018
4:00-5:00 PM
Manchester Hall, Room 241
 Reception 3:30-4:00 pm, Manchester 229

